When will war end?
Federation Square, Melbourne CBD
Remembrance Day 2014
How has the Australian character been shaped by war and conflict? As we mark the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War, and some say, the time when Australia began to forge its own national identity, this project explores the very Australian tradition of commemorating war.
How do we choose to remember and forget war?
What are your experiences of war?
How has the memory of conflict shaped individuals, families and our community?
Was war the catalyst for you becoming Australian?
How does the media shape our ideas of Others?
Through interview, we explore the personal, while media clips are used to remind us of the collective experience. The completed project spans 20 experiences and 61 minutes in. This project incorporates over 29 hours of oral history.
This project would not have happened without the additional support of:
Australian war memorial
Vietnam Veterans Association
Jewish Holocaust Centre, Melbourne.
Metropolitan Fire Brigade
Sons of the West
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
National Archives of Australia
Pelican Childcare Centre, Coburg
State Library, Victoria
Federation Square, Melbourne